Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Record Breaking

I have to admit that I watch Oprah religiously. Everyday you can guarantee that at 4 o’clock, channel 7 is on for her show. Today her guest was David Blaine! I love watching him and seeing him performs street magic and “stunts.” David always wanted to hold the record for being able to hold his breathe the longest.

Well today, David was given the chance to break the world’s record of holding his breathe the longest. The time that he had to beat was 16 minutes and 32 seconds. I will tell you right away that he did break the record. He held his breathe for 17 minutes and 4 seconds. Throughout the whole show, I was stressed hoping that he was going to make it. His heart rate was pretty high for him as it wasn’t as low as he should have had it for the stunt. Toward the end with about a minute left, you were able to see that he wanted to come up and breathe. However, David was able to sustain from coming up before beating the record.

I was so excited that David was able to break the record. He went through a lot of training in preparation for this and it has proved to be worth it. I cannot wait to see the next thing that David has up his sleeve to do. He did tell Oprah though that it may be to stay up the longest than any other person who is set at 11 and half days.

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