Thursday, May 1, 2008

Great News

Tonight I got some good news for the first time in a while. I did not win a contest, did well in a class, or found out that I was going to see someone after a month. What I did find out was that my cousin Aidan is giving the okay to get surgery.

Aidan is only two years old but faced more in his life than imaginable. He has defeated many odds that the doctors have said would have killed him. Aidan already had some surgeries. He was born with a clef pallet, a heart condition, and something wrong with his brain. Although he is faced with all these things, he is a normal toddler.

The surgery that he was giving the okay for was to get tubes placed in his ears. While I found this out I also learned that he hears minimum in his left ear. After surgery he will be able to hear everything. This surgery is taking place on May 7th. He was also given the okay to get his clef fixed by all his doctors. The surgery will take place in June the latest. This is so amazing as we (the whole family) have been waiting since he was born for this. Right now he is able to speak very little, but after the surgery he will have to relearn those words. I think that this is something that we cannot wait for as he will be able to express himself more than he is now. The doctors learned that they will not need to graph skin from his legs as there is enough extra skin in his mouth. The surgery should go smoothly with almost no pain. Thank God.

My aunt has started to take him off the bottle this past week but has now been told to give him the bottle and to encourage him to still use it. He is going to have to continue to drink from the bottle for six weeks after the surgery. It will help him recover from the surgery.

I know this may not sound so amazing to others but it is phenomenal to us. Aidan has proven that he is strong enough to beat all the odds that he is faced with. I have no doubt that he will continue to define the odds throughout his life. These surgeries will help him become able to do more in life. I cannot wait to see all the great things that he is going to do. I will keep you posted.

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