Monday, March 3, 2008

58 pounds lighter

For me, I have been looking into the study abroad program that is offered here. I plan to study abroad spring semester of 2009. The process has already began for me to chose where I would like to go. Also I have to start filling out the forms saying that I am interesting in study abroad and what I want to be able to take away from the experience if I am selected to go. With this stated, I was shocked to learn about a student that studied abroad this past semester and what he has experienced.

Jonathan McCullum is a seventeen year old that went to Egypt for five months for an exchange program with AFS. When his family saw him off he weighed 155 pounds. However, when he returned from Egypt he weighed only 97 pounds. The reason for the drop in his weight was that his host family had not provided him with the correct amount of food that he should have had at each meal.

There were some things that should have let the parents know something wrong. Both Jonathan and his parents were told to have little contact with one another throughout the semester as it would take away from the experience. When Jonathan started to lose weight, he wrote an e-mail to his parents to have them help look for a new exchange family to stay with. Even some of his teachers sent the family e-mails saying that Jonathan should no longer stay with the Hanna family. When Jonathan found out that the only other family he was able to stay with lived in a bad area, he decided that he would stay with the Hanna family.

When the McCullum's picked up Jonathan from the airport they couldn't believe what they saw. Their son was now so skinny that he was unable to carry his lugage and walk a flight of steps. The once outgoing boy was now subdued from everyone. He was brought to the hospital and was keep there for two weeks. Jonathan was at risk of a heart attack. He has been able to regain 25 pounds back. His parents are looking to sue AFS as they have given the family a false reassurance that Jonathan was alright. They are also looking for an apologue from the host family.

When I first heard this story, I couldn't believe what has happened. I know that this has opened my eyes in a way as I am interesting in study abroad for a semester. My main question about the whole thing is why did the Hanna family even apply to be a host family if they were unwilling to take care of the student that would be living with them? Also why wasn't there more done to help Jonathan while he was there?

1 comment:

Orelinde_03 said...

Another GREAT (yet heartbreaking) topic you chose to cover. I was shocked and appalled when this story came to light.I do find GREAT fault with the organization in which the student went through to study abroad, as well as have to question his parents lack of following up with their sons well being while away.
Yes, a parent would want their child to have the opportunity to visit another culture and be out on their own. However Why didn't they question him when away as to what was truly going on? Why not try and contact the American consulate for assistance?
As for why this family would agree to take an exchange student and then 'starve' him, I think could be one of two possible reasons. (1) Perhaps they did not have the means to provide for him, as they had hoped. (2) Perhaps they were taking out their anger of America on one of it's people, a form of terrorism.